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Friday, August 29, 2008

another judging moment. :|

How was it made possible that man has the right to acknowledge the faults, flaws and whatever it is that they think is wrong, when man, himself can not accept his own flaws when told bluntly?


It sounds funny for me.


It sounds like bullshit.

4 whatnots:

ayzprincess said...

kasi we werent made to look inwards but the other way around.. so most of the time, what we see are the faults of others.

or sometimes naman, we do know how wrong we are or we are aware of our wrongdoings but as humans we were created with pride so we choose not to acknowledge them and instead.. what's that psych term?? projection ba yun o transference? or something to that effect.. where we look for people's mistakes to justify our own. :D

silverfox said...

ayz- i think it's projection... where we see our own wishes in the form of another person. or is that the "you give a compliment only because you want the same compliment told to you." effect... im not really sure.. :|

Coldman said...

no comment! lol!

silverfox said...

coldman- :O salamat sa pagdaan rito! :D