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Monday, March 15, 2010


Special mention. I would like to thank SuperMaruManFly for making me realize this, without him even knowing this. :D

Yes, I have finally come out of the dark. Gone are the days of lying on my bed, crying myself to sleep, of days feeling empty, of nights just feeling sad. I have finally come into terms with how I feel. And frankly, it feels good.

I don't feel as much as embarrassed every time I feel happy or giddy. I am not (and never will be) overly perky. (thank god.) I just feel. so...


and it's been awhile since I felt that. :)

so, thanks again, SuperMaruManFly.

There will be changes on this blog, i assume. :P

the thing is. I found myself again. my WRITING self.

hoorah for nostalgia. :)
